Jesus Christ
Alex Jones

Meditation Books


Where East and West meet

Awaken The Christ
Within You
by Alex Jones


Where East and West meet

by Alex Jones


Where East and West meet

Meditation —
Where East And
West Meet
by Alex Jones


How Much Did You Love

How Much Did
You Love
By Alex Jones

Conversations With Christ

with Christ
By Alex Jones

7 Mansions of Color

Seven Mansions
Of Color
By Alex Jones

Creative thought Remedies

Creative Thought Remedies
By Alex Jones

Awaken The Christ Within You

by Alexander Soltys Jones

Meditation Where East and West Meet

This book will open your eyes to new vistas of spiritual wisdom and understanding, for it shows that Jesus was referring to the divine power, love and intelligence within our souls—the Christ within us—when he proclaimed, “Ye are gods,” and it also reveals profound meanings in many of his other statements.

In the following pages, Alexander Jones sheds light on deep, spiritual truths in the Bible, quoting from the writings of the apostles John and Tomas, Saint John of the Cross, and many others who understood these truths because they had experienced them in their own lives.

In Awaken the Christ Within You, you will discover that John of the Cross and others expounded the truth that the souls of all beings, in essence, are incorruptible, made of God by God, and that, through spiritual discipline, devotion and meditation, you can experience the divine love and light that is within you.

Many important aspects of Christian theology are explored in this book. It corrects misunderstandings that eventually became part of official Christian belief and reveals the priceless truths inherent in Jesus’ words. In bringing you the wisdom of saints and mystics who actually communed with God and experienced God’s omnipresent intelligence and light, it will assist you in awakening to the Christ within you.



Christian Meditation

by Alexander Soltys Jones

Meditation Where East and West Meet

This remarkable book will help you follow Jesus’ counsel to find the kingdom of God within you.

Discover and practice methods of meditation that the Desert Fathers, Pope Gregory, Saint Francis, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross and others used to attain holy rest in God.

Through meditation, you can discover the single eye Jesus spoke of and the highway of holiness mentioned by Isaiah, which represent spiritual faculties in the brain and spine.

Meditation awakens these centers of energy and consciousness so you can experience the inner kingdom of peace, divine love and light, wisdom and joy within you.




Meditation—Where East and West Meet

by Alexander Soltys Jones

Meditation Where East and West Meet

Awaken yourself to find the peace, vitality, intuition, love, joy, and the presence of God within you through the practice of meditation. In Meditation — Where East and West Meet, author and longtime meditation expert Alexander Soltys Jones details a unique approach to the art of meditation that will touch your life and nurture your soul.

Utilizing a goal-centered approach, Jones details an eight-step journey to show you how you can awaken your Diamond Essence-your soul. Blending the Eastern and Western approaches to meditation, Meditation — Where East and West Meet directs you from the beginning stages to the final realization in order to reap the many physical and spiritual benefits of meditation.

This complete guide includes a discussion of the varied methods of meditation and provides an opportunity to practice and proceed at your own pace. Meditation — Where East and West Meet, augmented with many quotes and personal illustrations, narrates how the daily practice of meditation is the greatest gift you can give yourself. It is the golden road that can lead to loving fulfillment and satisfaction. Through this guide, Jones encourages you to seek the ultimate goal-the union of the spirit with that of the Creator.



How Much Did You Love? What Did You Learn?

By Alex Jones

How Much Did You Love

A unique book combining the threefold nature of Love, the Spiritual Life, and the Nurturing of the Inner Child.

Many individuals, revived from the near-death state, report that they experienced the One Cosmic Light, and that two questions had been asked of them: ‘How much did you love?’ and ‘What did you learn?’

My book is based upon these two questions: How much do you love yourself, others and your Creator? and What are you learning this lifetime to bring you closer to ultimate self-actualization?

Creative affirmations and guided visualizations are included throughout my book in order to assist you in loving yourself, others, and your Creator, and to teach you how to live in love, peace, and joy.

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Conversations with Christ

By Alex Jones

Conversations With Christ

In my book Conversations with Christ you will learn the simple yet remarkable methods prescribed and practiced by the Saints to establish your own communion with Christ and experience Jesus’ threefold plan of salvation. Awaken the Christ within you and the life you were meant to live.

What Would Jesus Say if He Were on Earth Today?

Join me as I share with you the intuitive messages I received from Christ. In the following message, I received this beautiful formula for our salvation:

“To be born again, you need to realign your life with Mine. First, you need to believe and have faith that I can help you in your salvation. Second, you need to repent of your former wayward ways and try as much as possible not to repeat them. Third, you need to practice entering the inner silence within yourself so that you may be baptized in Me.

“The blessed Trinity of salvation: Many practice the first two stages and feel uplifted and restored through My grace. Very few commit to the third stage to receive the full measure of My grace: Realization of their unity with Me. I will continue to encourage you until you are one with Me. I in you, you in Me.

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Seven Mansions Of Color

By Alex Jones

7 Mansions of Color

Seven Mansions Of Color offers inspirational and practical methods for the use of color in one’s daily life. Learn to use the benefits of color to attract harmony and happiness. Saturate your environment with joyous and positive energy to bring new vigor, health, peace, prosperity and spiritual realization. Topics include: color in the aura and chakras, healing properties of color, spiritual awareness through color, color meditation, color in your home and wardrobe, etc.






Creative Thought Remedies

By Alex Jones

Creative thought Remedies

Creative Thought Remedies uses the power of thought to create the highest form of healing. It condenses the timeless wisdom of the ages into an easy-to-understand visual form. By studying these affirmations and charts, your energies will be channeled so that you may become successful in all your undertakings. Topics include: what promotes and what diminishes joyous living, success as a way of life, transforming undesirable habits, relationships, virtues and preparation of one’s own personalized thought remedy chart.


